Tuesday, August 08, 2006

People Improvement and Access to Information

There is a lot of information around these days. Lots of places to find relevant information, and methods of getting these information. Even bank websites give plenty of information that is not directly relevant to banking, but are necessary for personal improvement, nonetheless. I found this bit of information How to Motivate Under-Performing Personnel useful at GTBank's website. and there are more to be found there as well.

I have found a lot of job relevant information on Access bank's site. Just look for the download section from resources especially if you are interested in international trade.

However, a problem exists with this information glut. How do you organise this information so that it is useful not only to you, but anyone who may have access to the information (even if you have to keep it secure).

Keeping people informed is a good way to motivate your staff. Access to information which helps them perform better profits you as well. But what about when some of them prefer to visit sites that does not profit any of you?

Do you block free access to all extraneous information? I have begun such a system. I will find a way to istitute a whitelist to control access to information. I will entertain requests for access to any site though. If anyone can explain how the information can be of benefit to all of us...

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