Monday, September 11, 2006

Baby Photos

I was going through my baby's pictures with my wife and we got arguing about who the baby looked like.

I could see alot of myself in him. However, I have changed a lot from how I looked as a baby. This made it hard for those who did not know the little me to see things my way. My wife got a picture of herself as a baby and everybody said "Yes, he looks like her. There was a strong resemblance especially when he was not smiling".

So, this weekend, My sister brought pictures of me as a baby. I wait to see the reaction of all now. One would have thought the only thing he got from me were my bow-legs, feet and a few habits.

Ok, he still looks a lot like her when he has a straight face, but there is a a lot of me there. That is until he smiles. Then he is all me -- without the dimple.

I posted picture of him on his first day on a random blog here and here. I have some of his pictures on flicker and will make it public soon as he gets to 3 months.

But for now, here is a composite of my wife and I. She's the one on the left.

1 comment:

Hawa Bond said...

Too too cute!